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Would you like to get away to pray? Our rustic prayer cabin is available for individual retreats. This little cabin is nestled in the woods just a short walk from the main house and parking lot yet it feels like you are miles away. Furnished simply with a desk, rocking chair, wood stove, solar … [Read more...]
As we continue our study of Hebrews 11, the Great Hall of Faith, we look at the Faith of Abraham. Abraham was living in Haran when God first called out to him. Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee. God looked down upon the … [Read more...]
November 28, 2023 By Josiah Milnes
April 12, 2023 By Josiah Milnes
January 1, 2023 By Josiah Milnes
November 29, 2022 By Josiah Milnes
April 17, 2022 By Josiah Milnes