Bethesda was founded in 1978 by members of All Saints Lutheran Church as a ministry. In the fall of 1999, Bethesda was incorporated and received designation as a stand alone registered non-profit charitable organization. The incorporated name is Bethesda Renewal Centre (Ottawa-Carleton) Inc. Bethesda is no longer linked to any one church but serves many different churches in the larger body of Christ.
BETHES’DA Hebrew “beth Chesda” (house of mercy)
Greek from Aramaic “Beth hesda” (house of grace).
The pool of Bethesda is mentioned only once in the bible in the gospel of John chapter 5 verses 2 to 4.
“Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie-the blind, the lame, the paralyzed.”
Jesus healed a man there who had been an invalid for 38 years.
Bethesda is governed by a Board of Directors that is elected from and by the members of the Bethesda Fellowship.
The Bethesda Fellowship is made up of a community of friends that support Bethesda and sign the following covenant on an annual basis: “We desiring to be part of the Fellowship of Bethesda Renewal Centre (Ottawa-Carleton) Inc. do hereby affirm our membership for [this] year of our Lord. As members we joyfully undertake to uphold the ministries of Bethesda in prayer and to support Bethesda with our time, talents, and treasures, as God directs and to the best of our ability.”
Bethesda is managed by a host family that lives in residence at the retreat centre.
The membership and friends are kept up to date with e-mailed newsletters every 2 or 3 months. If you would like news of coming events and other reports signup with your e-mail address on the home page. Members gather quarterly at Bethesda to worship, pray, and fellowship together over a shared meal. (see News & Events tab)
Bethesda’s mission is ‘to be a place to help people be renewed by knowing Jesus Christ through the experience of the Holy Spirit.’ (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).
Bylaw Number 1 revised October 2002
Relating generally to the conduct of the affairs of Bethesda Renewal Centre (Ottawa-Carleton) Inc. Registered Canadian charity # 86794 7970 RP0001
Whereas Bethesda Renewal Centre was incorporated by letters patent issued by the Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Relations of Ontario on the 28th day of September 1999 for the following objects:
- To provide a place for ministry and prayer in the name of Jesus Christ for the needs of spirit, soul, and body of all whom God sends and without limiting ministry in any way;
- To develop and operate a Christian caring community of persons committed to the ministry;
- To operate and maintain a facility in a quiet, rural setting where people of all ages and conditions of life may come for ministry;
- To provide retreats and seminars for the teaching of God’s word;
- To provide for recreation and fellowship events and activities;
- To provide for arts and crafts, and music events;
- To carry out maple syrup operations and to distribute the product;
- To carry out agricultural pursuits and permit others to engage in such pursuits on the property of Bethesda;
- To carry out woodlands improvements on the property;
- To provide a sanctuary for wildlife on the property; and,
- To accept donations, gifts, legacies, and bequests for the fulfilment of the Holy Spirit as necessary or incidental to the objects of the Corporation;
- To acquire and hold land for the purposes of a place of Christian worship and renewal
And whereas we, the members of Bethesda Renewal Centre (Ottawa-Carleton) Inc., have committed ourselves to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, to each other as brothers and sisters in His family, and to the work and ministry of Bethesda Renewal Centre.